- Mind flayer?Illithid?Psionic danger? 夺心魔?灵吸怪?心灵威胁?
- Hey kids!See What the Mind Flayer is thinking! 嗨孩子们!来看看这只夺心魔在想什么!
- Or so say those who have dedicated their lives to the eradication of the mind flayer “infection. 灵能者们知道真正危险的灵吸怪比那些非灵能生物的威胁更大。
- Only assuring the staff that it is being brought to the nearest mind flayer will console it. 只有使该杖确信自己被带到了夺心魔附近才能安抚它。
- Patterns taken from captured mind flayer garments led to mindweave and [[mindpatterned armor]]. 从缴获的摧心魔服装上模仿来的纹样被用在了念织和念纹甲上。
- Neothelids are a rare result of the mind flayer reproductive cycle gone horribly wrong. 夺心巨虫是夺心魔的生殖周期中出现严重错误的稀有产物。
- Rrakkma: As a special devotion, githzerai sometimes organize mind flayer hunting parties called rrakkma. 捕猎队:作为一种特别仪式,吉斯瑟雷人有时会组织猎杀夺心魔的小队,这被称作“捕猎队”。
- Patterns taken from captured mind flayer garments led to [[mindweave armor]] and mindpatterned armor. 从缴获的摧心魔服装上模仿来的纹样被用在了念织甲和念纹甲上。
- Ialdabode somehow catches Shuluth the mind flayer flatfooted, and attacks with the attack mode ego whip as a partial action. 艾达波迪抓住夺心魔Shuluth措手不及的机会,以部分动作发动了攻击模式“自性鞭击”。
- Mind Flay's range has been increased to 30 yards. 心灵鞭笞的射程增加到30码。
- But between commissions, they are just as likely to strike out on their own, attempting to uncover the location of another mind flayer outpost, or better yet, a sunless city. 但在两次委托之间,他们更很喜欢自主出击,去搜寻灵吸怪的前哨甚至是阴暗城市。
- Patterns taken from captured mind flayer garments led to mindweave and [[mindpatterned armor]]. All these armors infuse some form of crystal into textiles, channeling mind energy to fortify the body. 从缴获的摧心魔服装上模仿来的纹样被用在了念织和念纹甲上。所有这些护甲都织入了若干水晶,引导精神能量来强化肉体。
- Be careful NOT to press the Mind Flay Button too quickly on the last tick. 不要按在精神鞭笞最后一条按精神鞭笞太快,这会让你打断第三跳。
- Inner Focus: Now works properly with Mind Flay, Mind Sear, and Penance. 心灵专注:现在正确作用于精神鞭挞,精神凋零和忏悔。
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?
- Illidari Archon - 72 Elite Humanoid - 180K hp. CCable. Heal and Smite, or Shadowform, Mind Flay, and Mind Blast. 可以控制,治疗+惩击,或者暗影姿态,精神鞭苔,心灵震爆
- After Shadowform, open up with Vampiric Touch, then cast Shadow Word: Pain, then Mind Blast, then Mind Flay. 出了暗影形态之后,用吸血鬼之触开怪,接着上痛,心灵震爆,然后精神鞭笞。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
- One less Smite or Mind Flay cast per mob adds up to a lot of mana saved across a few levels. 对每个怪少用一次惩击/心爆累计起来会节约大量法力。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。